Pacifier needs

We do not give our 3months old baby pacifier. By how many month do we know he can really go without pacifier?

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Don't think there's a specific age but if by 3 months u don't introduce to him, he may not need it. It's better not to givr anw. I tried many times to give my baby one as we had difficulty putting him to sleep during his newborn days despite carrying, rocking etc but he always rejected. So my baby never takes the pacifier till now at 8 months.

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Hi Mummy, I found this article saying: "The ‘right’ age depends on who you ask, but the overwhelming majority of mums choose 2 as the magic age of ‘pacifier weaning’."

Super Mom

From my experience, if you’ve tried over and over and they don’t take to it - they don’t take to a pacifier later as well :)

I tried to introduce pacifier to my baby when she's younger but she doesn't like it. she's now 11mos and still not using one.

Mine dont like it at all from the day he was back from hospital till now he is turning 1 next month