4 Replies

Super Mum

I also had those kind of feelings when I was pregnant, but I realised it was just hormones, so I made sure that my husband spent time with me (including messaging), but that he had his own personal time too. And I did fun stuff when I was alone, like planning all the baby stuff, watching some shows, etc. Even after baby’s born, your partner will still want me-time. That’s unlikely to change, so it’ll be good to talk about how both of you will care for your LO and to work out how to still carve out me-time, rest time and couple time. We only have 24hrs a day, so time planning and management is important and must be intentional:)

VIP Member

Yup of cos..during pregnancy is the time when our partner has to ‘manja’ us the most! 🤣 hope u get to spend more quality time together once Phase 2 starts!


it’s completely normal that you want more TLC from him.. talk to him and let him understand how you feel. stay happy sister!

Guilty. I fought with hubs every time when i needed attention. And baby turn out to Look exactly like him🙄

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