Moody in first tri

Is it normal to be super moody (mostly to my husband) during first trimester? I just feel so uncomfortable and nauseous and bloated that I get easily irritated but I don't want it to affect the baby's development!! #pleasehelp #advicepls #firstbaby

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hello dear, it’s ok to be moody. i was like this too. with the new changes, and discomfort and nauseous and’ll be hard not to! just listen to your body and have lots of rest. chat with your husband or your family so that they know how you’re feeling. it’ll gradually get better :) meanwhile, just embrace the experience.

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3y trước

thanks for the assurance dear! trying to BREATHE 😅

Influencer của TAP

its okay to be moody sometimes. i was moody during my first and last trimester. what i did was letting him know that its not because of him and what is making me irritable so he'll know and help. try not to get too emotional as it might stress out your baby, stay calm as much as you can. i hope you have a smooth pregnancy!

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3y trước

no worries! we help each other however we can! 🥰