poo2 baby

Is it normal kalau my 2 month baby tk poo2 dh 6 hari..(bf+formula)

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Not normal. Puan sila bawa baby berjumpa doctor ya. Jika full bf tiada masalah baby tidak membuang 5/6hari. Jika susu formula, mungkin baby sembelit. Dapatkan nasihat doctor.

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Sebab campur susu, memang kena risau tu mummy. maybe sembelit, bawa ke klinik check up. Maybe tak ngam susunya.

If fully bf, its normal, but kalau cmpur formula.., myb sembelit.., need to worry.

If fully bf normal sampai 14hari, jika campur, taknormal mommy. Refer doktor.

Klu BF normal tu sis... Tp klu dah masuk hr ke 8 better ke klinik

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lama tu check dgn doc sis.

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Pls check with doctor