tired and hungry all the time

is it normal to feel ultimate fatigue, whole body feeling extreme discomfort, super increased hunger and mood swings? I've not getting enough sleep bc the discomfort im feeling every now and then. its also has affected my work bc i had an episode of near-syncope last week. throughout my pregnancy, i think abt 5-6x near-syncope episodes in total. im at 26weeks now and it seems the roller-coaster ride is even more worst than before. :'(

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Super Mom

Every pregnancy is different. For my case, it was quite smooth. Very little discomfort except for the cramps and frequent urination. It will be even more tiring when the baby is out. Better to consult your gynae. You may need to bed rest to be safe.

Thats all part and parcel of our pregnancy journey. Dont stress so much. Just rest and eat whenever you need to. Happy pregnancy, happy baby.

I am at my 18th week and am noticing gradually increasing appetite these 2 weeks. And never feel like I have slept enough

Yaya it's normao