pass motion
Is it normal for my 3 month old baby to not pass motion everyday? He is formula fed

Yup its normal if is more than 1 week thn u might need to go clinic to insert some kind of medicine. Or before that when is 3 to 4 days maybe u wan to let him try woodwards gripe water for about 5ml(one tea spoon) thr will be instruction thr. I mixed with water but some might not agree.
Yes it’s possible, but if the frequency worsens, he is irritable with a bigger tummy, or he doesn’t feed well, then he may need to see a doctor
Yes it’s normal. It can take up to 3 days for not passing motion for my case of lo.
Normal but continue to observe your baby.
Yes it's normal
Yes normal
2-3 days is fine
Normal.More thn 5 days need to see doc
Hey, Yes it is normal but please keep observing