Beauty/skincare routines

How many steps of beauty/skincare routine do you do at night?

Beauty/skincare routines
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4 step... cleansing, toning, eye cream, vitamin C serum for night... at day time i skip vitamin c serum and apply moisturiser instead...

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4 steps. Cleansing face followed by applying toner, moisturizer and anti-aging eye cream.

Talk to professional to explore this further -

Influencer của TAP

Wash with my device skip exfoliating. Toner Serum Eye cream Night cream

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Influencer của TAP

4 steps everyday. one 1 or 2 a week if 5 which is exfoliation added.

Influencer của TAP

cleanser, toner, all in one Essence moisturizer. 3 steps

2 steps - washing the face and then moisturising it

Cleanse, toner, mask (2x a week), ampoule, serum

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3 steps - cleanser, toner and moisturiser