9 Replies

It's normal. Your subsequent pregnancies will and should look bigger than the 1st and might be heavier too. That's why you feel more tired this time. But do remember to always have enough rest. You're growing a baby inside of you and working at the same time so it's a double job. Great to have a pre natal massage when you turned 5 mths. Take care.

I’m perpetually tired as well no matter how much rest I get

It’s normal.. you’re not alone! take care and have plenty of rest

Ok thank you :)

Drink materna milk That definitely helps with the tiredness

It’s normal... good luck and take care... try to sleep more

Usually I will nap after dinner. Later wake up hours and transfer to bed to sleep till next morning

VIP Member

Normal but do consult your gynaecologist too take care(:

Went for follow up today. Baby is growing well. :) Thank you

VIP Member

Me 🙆🏻‍♀️


it's normal

Same here.

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