Pregnancy test

Newly wedd here (a month ago) 😆 just a question from experience mums in here .. how many days after i missed my period should i check for pregnancy ? Will i have any symptoms that im pregnant? Been 3days since missed period and i do not want to put hope in checking . 🥲

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Hi! I found out I was pregnant 18 days after my wedding 🤣 and one of the earliest signs were extremely sore boobs, fatigue (I was literally falling asleep every where) and unusual urination (more than your usual toilet trips). my period wasn't even due yet but I took the test and it came out positive. no harm in getting it check, remember to keep your mind open that it may be a negative nevertheless. all the best dear!

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3y trước

I get sore boobs also during my period btw, but the pregnancy one is more stinging. if you're observant, you can kind of tell the different. try to pay attention to your body :-) it's sending you all the signal u need!