Any new mummies find that the husband is much less attentive to you now that LO is born? I feel like my hubby don't really wanna look at me cause I do look a sight now while doing my confinement. Still really swollen with water retention (I hope it's water retention)... and my hair is in a mess. My face is really big also. I've been tearing on and off. Not that there's anything major... some MIL issues, and I do feel miserable with the stitches for episiotomy and hemorrhoids. A lot of fear to do with my LO and worries about my relationship with husband moving forward. Is it postpartum depression or just hormonal since it's only been 6 days since I've given birth... ?

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Hey, don't worry!! I think it's perfectly normal to have such thoughts esp only 6 days after giving birth! It's called post partum blues. I felt that way too after my first was born and I struggled with many depressive thoughts. I only recently opened up to my hubby about how I felt at that point because even after 2 years, he didn't understand why I kept crying after giving birth for days! Suggest you just speak to ur hubby about ur fears, let him know you have post partum blues and need his reassurance... stay strong!! It will be worth it!!

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7y trước

Thanks for your reassurance! I really hope it's temporary. Have always prided myself on being a strong career woman... this sense of insecurity is killing me. I'll talk to my hubby.

What you are feeling sounds like most post partum woman after giving birth! Hang in there, YoU will start to feel better soon