Child is sick after 1 day at child care

need some advise.. what do u all do if ur child is sick after 1 day at child care? school give them eat fruits like watermelon, orange, which i hardly give her eat when at home.. now is she down with cough, flu, look very tiring and no energy.. what should i do.. my parents is saying me.. but im not the one who give her.. how can i tell the school not to give the children all these fruits..

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Watermelon is quite cooling. Too much Orange will leads to cough. You can buy vitamins drop to build your lo immune system. Maybe you can visit / call T know that do not give to your lo. Change to Apple instead. Discuss with the Ts there. show your Parents your child’s meal schedule, it’s school standard however you will be discussing with T abt lo’s meal.

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5y trước

Perhaps just started also, the environment is different. I give lo vitamins drops Everyday. Request for lo’s menu send via email see what they give. Then you can discuss:)