colic problem

Need some advise. Bb is 14 weeks old. Have colic issues. We tried avent natural, she rejected. She accepted pigeon wide neck teat. Her feedings is also quite inconsistent. Can be 60ml every 3 hours or 20ml-30ml every 2 hour. We brought bb to GP for a quick check , doctor says she is alright. We always burp bb on our chest after every feed . Is it the bottles issues? She is on 100% formula.

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Super Mom

Even breastfed babies can get colic kind of pain. You can try things like ridwind/gripewater to help baby expel gas more easily (worked quite well for my baby) and applying a few small dots of yu yee oil on the tummy (or apply on your hand, rub your hands together and place your hand on baby’s tummy). In less common situations, baby’s gut is sensitive to the formula, making baby more gassy. But try the above methods first before ruling this out. Hope it helps:)

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My baby have the same problem, pediatrician gave me ridwind & probiotics and suggest to try similac total comfort or frisolac gold HA, then I burp her/put on straight position for abt 20 minutes after each feed, and put her on inclined mattress. Nowadays she's much better. Hope this help.

5y trước

Bifi baby

Hi, this happened to my son too.. what the doc adviced me is to actually change his milk. I went thru 3 changes before we found dupro for him. Kept thinking that the expensives ones are the better ones when in fact his body absorbs this one better.

Thành viên VIP

Try e warmness of milk. If fails, u have to see if bb discomfort, arch tot he back or spit alot of milk after feed. Some reflux baby dun wan to drink milk coz they body reject n tell them drink alrd tummy pain.

Im using the same bottle.. I try to give more breastmilk (max 2 bottles formula per day). I noticed she only has colic issue when she takes formula. Suggest you to start give breastmilk, it is easier.

Super Mom

Not the bottles. Massage your baby and burp your baby more often. "Aeroplane carry" your baby and do "bicycle exercise" for your baby. Hang in there! My baby has colic last time too.

Thành viên VIP

Maybe u can try giving him ridwind every 6 hours before feeding him milk :)

Thành viên VIP

Feeding is all trial and error, you can try changing the teats

Ouh n for bottles, we r using dr brown's wide neck ones 🤗

Thành viên VIP

Try to change teats and infant formula