Need to rant: I just cant help feeling sad and angry for hearing this coming from my own mum: Bro: baby girl is coming soon, wonder hw cute she will be or just as cute as the gor gor(no1) Mum: don bother to dream, baby girl wont be adorable one, even so also wont be as cute as the gor gor. She cfm wont be attractive one. Don bother hoping so much. She will be like her mother, inherit all her mother's bad genes. Be just the same unattractive person like her mum. This is just annoying and a pain to hear this. Whether anot she dislikes me, she shouldnt have commented such things to my son or whoever. Mum has always saying bad things abt my baby girl, making comparisons between them. Kept telling my no1, hw gd he is and my mum will only dote on him and wont dote on his sis. #testingmypatience

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Super Mom

Look at yourself, dear. For the “unattractive” person you are, you have a man that loves you and have 2 beautiful children. I think that speaks louder than what your mum is saying. Your mother also passed you her genes, by the way. As for your beautiful princess that’s coming, I’m very happy that you’ll be there to break this cycle of negativity towards girls in the family. Use your experiences to empower her, and to show her that she is priceless and precious. Just my opinion here.. if it comes to a point, after your daughter is born, where your mum is still being nasty to your daughter, give her an ultimatum: either stop her nonsense or she will not get to see both grandchildren anymore till she can get her act together. No one should be made to feel unloved by their grandparents.

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Sad to say, favouritism towards boys over girls still exist in our era. I feel that as Long as own family (parents and korkor) love this little girl, it’s the most impt. Also, I would also take this opportunity to teach korkor to protect meimei (if he is old enough to understand). As for the mum, I will talk to her over it. If she continue, I will avoid spending time with her in the future. I won’t risk chance of her poisoning my son’s mind and teaching him all the wrong things

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Thành viên VIP

If you notice right, your mom is actually talking about herself. Come on, if she is good to you, you will be good to her and your daughter will follow both of your good traits, vice versa. She may have a hard time earning the respect from you if she keeps on comparing. It is hurtful to hear that, moreover from own mother. Advice her nicely to avoid favoritism because it hurts.

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I will confirm tell my mum off and ask her what world is she living in. Is this how she treat u too? Im also worried about the impact it will have on your children in the future. Will the gor gor adopt the same thinking and bully the sister? Will the sister feel inferior? So angry reading this.

7y trước

Ya, kind of. She always says that she only have 1 son, ultimately have to depend on him. But when comes to issues to settle, she will find me. I really hate the way she "comment" on the baby girl. Both gor gor and meimei are innocent, why cast such comments on them especially meimei. It isint fair to her at all. Everyone is different and attractive in their own way. Favoritism is super obvious at my place. If you are the "pet" you can say and do wad u wan cox u gt "power". Sighhh

Wah is it she favours boys more? I had always wanted a girl but gt all 3 boys. When i get disappointed at knowing the gender each time, my mum did not hide her happiness that i am expecting a boy (and again). Think is still the traditional thinking that boys are better than girls

Perhaps something happened in the past which caused your mum has such thinking. Talk to her at the right time and hope can untie her knot. You may want to move out or at least bring your son to the right path, it's not going to be mentally healthy for him.

Omg! Isit from own mom? If was my mom i will ask her sort out her mind right before talking these infront of my child. If MIL, i will death stare at my husband to take thing in action. Meanwhile i will stay away from them , reduced negativity vibes .

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Thành viên VIP

well. If that's the case, i don't see a need to let her see her 'naughty' granddaughter. my mom kept commenting on that too. When mines is two boys, constant comparing. So i'm fair. you don't see any of your grandchild

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7y trước

But mine i cant, haha cox im staying together with her. Every now and then compare the coming baby girl with my boy, it just feels so annoying. Why do those oldies like to cultivate such kind of mindset. Having favoritism already very bad, yet still wanna compare. Not even healthy for the kids.

Older gen tends to bias towards boy...until they realised that girls r actually more family oriented..and will take care of them when they r old... and girls usually takes up father genes