Honestly I think it is ok to give pacifier. If a pacifier is able to soothe the baby, why not? A happy baby equals a happy mummy especially during the first few months of their life where they keep waking up to feed. Lack of sleep for a mummy also means a tired and stressful mummy and this will impact your milk supply too.
If you look around, I think there are hundreds of babies that take the pacifier at a very young age, but how many do you see still sucking when they are older? As to weaning, I know some self wean off the pacifier, some mums just cut off the tip of the pacifier, some mums just tell their kid to say byebye to their pacifier. When the time comes, you just need to use the method that suits your child best. To me, weaning pacifier is probably like weaning a nightime milk bottle... eventually it will happen :)
Fiona Ng