Would you allow your husband to go out once a week to destress while you take care of your infant?

Navigating life as a #crankymum #mumlife

Would you allow your husband to go out once a week to destress while you take care of your infant?GIF
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Yes but not for the whole day. Maybe only 3-4 hours 🙂 thankfully my husband is someone who loves to stay home.

Yes,on the condition that I also get a day off a week too. Taking care of a baby is much harder work than work.

7mo trước

I agree cause both need some time away for self-care, but likely won't be for too long, depending on the age of your infant 🤔 otherwise both will burn out at the same time which will be bad

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yes, if he's been taking care the house chores and baby 😁take turn 🫣

Um nope lol. Call me selfish. Then what about me ?

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not once a week

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he did

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