having problems

My mom in law is forcing the issue for me to put my baby on formula I'm doing exclusive breastfeeding but they scared for the fact that If I leave my baby with them then she cries until I'm there so i have to go everywhere with her I'm very scared to actually walk with her in a carrier coz I have very weak legs so i fall sometimes I'm scared il fall with her nd she is onmy 2 months old the reason i dont want to put my baby on formula is that my eldest had stomach problems when I had my second child she just drank breast milk nd didnt have any problems now they want me to make that mistake of listening to them nd taking their advice where as the clinic told me to just give breast milk until she is 1 year old or until she leaves the breast herself. So coz of that I'm very scared to leave my baby with them coz I dont know what they cud give her. Nd maybe her tummy wont be able to handle it

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Super Mom

Hi dear, if you’re producing enough breastmilk for your little one, and you’re happy for continue breastfeeding till she’s 1 year old, then go for it:) First, listen to why your MIL wants to give formula (does she not know how to warm up expressed milk? Is it for convenience?). Then ask your husband to help you speak to her about what you and him want for your baby, and why. As for bringing baby around, if baby carrier is not possible, how about using a stroller instead? Then you don’t have to worry about falling. With regards to formula, there are variations that are more gentle on the stomach, and hypoallergenic variations too. So if you ever want to stop breastfeeding for whatever reason, don’t feel guilty, and know that you will be able to find suitable formula for your baby okay?:)

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4y trước

I just received the email now thank u so much