My nanny was sick and wouldn't be able to work for a week. Meanwhile i can't leave my work even though i can do it from home. I need an activity to keep my son busy while i'm working. What is the best activity that my 16 months old son can do and make him focus on it except watching videos?

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This game has worked for my nephew. It's called A friend to the end. What you'll need: a puppet (you can make a simple one by drawing eyes, a mouth and a nose onto a light-coloured sock) What to do: Try this activity when your child is finishing a meal in her highchair or give it a go on a rainy day. Put the puppet onto your hand and make it "talk", remembering to use short, clear sentences. For example, "Hi, Emily! I'm Posey. I need a nose. Do you have one? Where's your nose? Oh, I see it. Can I kiss it? Yummy! And now I need a mouth..." Your little one may laugh and try to grab the puppet. You can easily turn this into a game by saying, "Hey, you got me! I'm going to run onto the table now. Can you catch me again?" Similarly, the puppet can pretend to catch your child. Have the puppet look around in an exaggerated manner, saying, "Where's Emily? Emily! Where are you?" Then make the puppet suddenly spot your child and pounce on her ecstatically, shrieking, "There you are! I found you!" Let your creativity rule the day during puppet time. The puppet can ask for a hug, sing a song, grab a handshake, pick up a book, or hand your child a toy. The possibilities are endless and your child's delight with her new friend will be, too!

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