Wondering How to Give Your Child the Best Asthma Care?

Dr. Azam is here to ease your concerns! Post your questions in the comments below anytime between Sept 25th - Sept 29th and let's ensure your child's asthma is well-managed. Please note that Dr. Azam will answer your questions by the 9th of Oct. Watch this space for the answers! MY-12557_SEP2023

Wondering How to Give Your Child the Best Asthma Care?
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Hi Dr. Azam, My baby is 10 months old. is it possible to prevent him from getting asthma? What should I avoid? Thank you.

6mo trước

Preventing asthma isn't straightforward with a specific mechanism. However, leading a healthier lifestyle—exercising, getting enough sleep, and having a balanced diet with less processed food—can lower the chances of developing asthma. Some research suggests that supplements like vitamin D might be beneficial, but there's no confirmed method to prevent asthma. Interestingly, choosing a vaginal delivery instead of a cesarean section might reduce the risk of asthma in children. Babies born through vaginal delivery get exposed to bacteria in the birth canal, which could positively influence their immune system and gut bacteria, potentially reducing the likelihood of developing asthma.

Betulkah kanak-kanak akan mengatasi asma secara semula jadi mencapai usia yang tertentu

Note: Anda boleh bertanyakan soalan dalam dwi-bahasa. Terima kasih!

9mo trước

Eh tak de reply pun?

Do the medicines for asthma have any strong side effects?

6mo trước

In general, most asthma medications delivered via inhalers contain steroids. However, these steroids are designed to specifically bind to certain receptors, minimizing systemic absorption. Consequently, the risk of significant side effects is quite low. The medications do not have any strong side effects

Can My newborn baby have asthma? How can I say?

6mo trước

Asthma diagnosis typically requires recurrent symptoms; it's not typically diagnosed in newborns. Often, newborns experiencing respiratory issues might be labelled as having bronchiolitis. However, if these episodes persist and recur frequently, the child might eventually be diagnosed with infantile asthma. Asthma diagnosis in newborns is rare and usually requires repeated occurrences of specific symptoms to confirm.




