My best friend gave birth 1 month after me and she has already lost all the pregnancy weight, whereas I still have 5kg left to go. She looks great and seems to be handling motherhood better than me overall. I am happy for her, but also a little resentful. Is this normal?

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Perfectly normal to feel so. Normally we will see our friends post in facebook their pictures when they are well and happy. Very rare individuals will go around or post in facebook when they are feeling miserable. Hence, we always think our friends are doing so much better in terms of motherhood, breasfeeding, etc. I always feel why other parents can be so carefree when I am so busy handling my kids. The list is endless when we compare with friends around us. I always tell myself, I am doing my best. I will make sure I am happy, not the way round. Dont feel bad about the 5kg. As long as you are healthy, this 5kg will be gone without you knowing it. Cheer up mummy :)

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It's normal to feel this way. It is inevitable to compare, even with close friends or loved ones around us. However, just remind yourself that everyone is different. Focus on the positive things and enjoy motherhood the best you can. What is important is that you are recovering and managing your roles as a mother to your child, wife to your partner, daughter to your parents etc etc. Eat well, rest as much as you can, exercise to make yourself feel good (not so much to lose the weight).. take the stress off and celebrate all the little wins (baby smiling at you, growing well) and, hopefully, you will feel better! :) Take care!!

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I think you shouldn't compare yourself with your friend. It's not healthy for your self esteem neither will it be any good for your friendship with her. Motherhood, who loses weight first, who's a better mommy -- none of this is a competition. The teensy feeling of resentment while normal (who doesn't get jealous every now and then) can be channeled into reaching your goals such as losing that extra 5kg. Everyone goes through pregnancy and post pregnancy differently, just focus on yourself :)

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i lost my pregnancy weight of 6kg gain and another 6kg in a month or so, but i was feeling weak and hungry all the time. it wasn't a happy period though i was slim.. anyway in the year following i gained back to almost my usual weight. i do feel happier and healthier now.

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Its a very helpful question u asked! Anything abruptly is not healthy tho it appears so. Take it slow bevause that’s a healthier and more permanent way to lose the kgs.

Don't compare, 人比人气死人. Every individual is different. Enjoy the process and be happy. Focus on yourself and LO.

it's normal ! But eventually we will all reach the same stage some point in time. Don't worry. You'll get ur day too!

4y trước


Yes, every mother is different. Accept your body the way it is.
