8 Replies

VIP Member

There are some mothers who boil 1 or 2 slices of "pao sheng/yang sheng AKA short american ginseng" in water and feed 1 or 2 spoonfuls to the baby before their vaccination. They say it does help to prevent fever. When my 3 month old went for her vaccination, I didn't take any particular precaution and she didn't get a fever after her 5 in 1, rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccinations. I believe it is because she is exclusively breastfed. Barley water might help as well. That said, I wouldn't recommend feeding anything but milk to a baby below 6 months. So just be prepared to sponge your baby if she develops a fever.

Breastmilk is the best prevention. I have been exclusively breastfeeding my baby since he is borned. He is 6 months old now and he has never developed fever after all his past vaccinations including 5-in-1, rotavirus and pneumococcal. Breastmilk is known to be able to increase baby's immune system.

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Super Mum

There is no need to have fear of fever. It is a sign that vaccination is working. However, if a baby develops a fever, keep him hydrated and give ibuprofen dosage after consulting your doctor.

No need. Just makes sure baby is well rested.. I usually breastfeed my baby during the time of vaccination, So it's less painful for her🙂

check temp,sometimes we cannot avoid it as vaccine is strong, just give medication they prescribe if he have slight fever
