My baby shakes, swings her arms and kicks whenever she sees giraffe prints on her mat and pajamas. Can somebody help me explain why she acts that way? I fear that she's having a nightmare of that animal.

My baby gets really excited when she looks at this tiger toy on her playgym and she will flail and kick. Usually if babies are frightened, their first instinct is to cry. If she appears to be frightened, then do hide the toy. My friend's baby is terrified of owls. Remember, everything is new to babies, so it could be possible that they are frightened by how the animal looks.
Read moreplz do mention age of baby alwaz.. i dnt think dat small baby hvng giraff seems funny..i thnk baby feels happy if he is moving arms n note his expressions of face also during dat tym..if he smiles dn it cant be fear feeling..may b dat print attracts baby..or colours attract baby..n gnrally baby loves to see animals..n very small babies dnt have feeling of fear..even dy dnt knw wat fear is..
Read moreHaha. That's very cute. I believe baby get excited from seeing things that they like. These things can be quite random. Different babies may have different thing that interest them. For my baby, he loves red Chinese New Year banners. He will laugh, wave and smile to the banners whenever he sees it.
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You can try to notice her face expression when she does that. If she shows a happy face means she is very excited over the prints. Normally baby gets very excited over colorful things.
I doubt she is having nightmare. More of being excited that animal is bringing her joy and making her excited!