My baby just had a seizure. What do i do? Will it affect him for life?

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Immediate medical attention is required if the seizure lasted longer than three mins. In such cases, turn your baby to his/her side to prevent choking on the baby’s saliva. Also, keep his/her airway clear by wiping saliva away from the baby’s mouth. There is really nothing else a parent could do in such cases. If it happens again, video the episode and show it to the doctor to help identify what kind of seizure your baby is having. Seizures in children is unlikely to signal epilepsy and could be caused by high fever. Other causes may be that a child may hold his/her breath involuntarily when he/she is injured, frightened or angry. This will also lead to a seizure episode. Such seizures are usually rather harmless and are common among children between six months and five years old. Short seizures are unlikely to cause any brain damage but long ones (more than 10 mins) could cause brain damage in some. If you noticed that your child’s seizure is not caused by fever, head trauma or breath holding, he/she may then have epilepsy. Do bring your child to a doctor for a proper consultation to find out the cause of the seizure. For more information, you can take a look at this article:

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