My baby is co sleep with me, When should I separate the room with her?

I personally think it depends on individual preference. Generally, parents will want their children to sleep in separate room when they are either too big enough to share the bed with parents or when it time to start learning to be independent. There are parents who never co sleep with their babies right from the start. I personally think I will want to start training my baby to sleep in his own room when he is 2 years old. I think it will be easier to make the transition when he is big enough for me to reason with him.
Read moreIt's your own choice. For me, my kids co-sleep with me until 5 and 2 years old respectively. Firstly due to there is no extra room for them and I find it more convenient to breastfed them at night when they were young. It also depends on how ready is your child to sleep separately from you. My no.2 is more ready to sleep on his own compared to no.1. I think it's partly due to my no.2 weaned earlier from latching.
Read moreIt differs from each individual. For me my daughter co-slept with me until she was about 2+ before she started moving on to her own bed. It was an easy transit but my girl has always been self-relient so I never had any problems about her sleeping habits.
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