My 8 months old girl is driving me crazy. I can't put her down for a sec. She will scream and cry hysterically whenever I put her down. She wants to be carried all the time! What's wrong with her? How do I get her to stop this?

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Around 8 months old, the separation anxiety is getting greater as baby is more aware of their surrounding. You can prepare some light activities e.g. pouring water, toys, painting for her to let her occupy herself for a while. Try to put her closer to you if you need to attend to housework. Also, you can babywear her using baby carrier so she can feel more secure and try to ensure her you will be with her always. There was once I left my 2years old son with my mother for few hours, and after I returned from home he was very clingy and cranky for at least 2 to 3 days as he feel insecure (afraid that he can't see me again). This will be just a phase and do not have to worry. Try your best to ensure your daugther you will there.

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