My 8 months old girl is driving me crazy. I can't put her down for a sec. She will scream and cry hysterically whenever I put her down. She wants to be carried all the time! What's wrong with her? How do I get her to stop this?

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Well, your baby must be used to being carried around all the time even when smaller. But you know you have to break the habit. For starters keep her around you close enough that she can see you and hear you. When she cries do not melt and rush to her. Simply look at her and tell her "mummy has work to finish darling. I'll be with you in a bit" Or you can just have a general conversation with her or sing her favourite nursery rhymes. Within a week she will get used to this and her tantrums will reduce or nearly stop. You have to let babies self sooth too. Self-soothing is a very important stage in the baby's development.Do not let them get so attached to you that it becomes difficult when playschool starts.

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