My 3 month old baby seems to always be laughing. What is she laughing about? Does she already have a sense of humor?

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Your baby has been experimenting with making sounds and laughter is her next step in learning to communicate. Baby's first laugh might be inspired by something as simple as seeing a favorite toy, pet or person (mummy and daddy). Once baby has discovered how to laugh, she may laugh just because laughing feels good, and it's such a fun new sound to make. Plus, with each coo and goo she's learning and practicing how to move her mouth and tongue to produce different sound effects. I would say, enjoy these moments.

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Awww that's a good thing! Babies have two main ways of communicating with their surroundings -- crying or smiling/laughing. If crying is a response to things that make them uncomfortable and a need for change then laughing is the opposite. Your daughter is probably always pleased with whatever's around her and that's why she laughs alot. Nothing is more awesome than watching a baby laugh and smile :)

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Sounds like a cheerful and happy baby! :) Babies usually could start finding things funny from around 14 months on. Every silly act that you do which elicit a giggle or a laugh is him/her learning and developing his/her sense of humor. You child may even try to make you laugh as she develops. Sounds like you and her will be having a fun time!! Enjoy!! :)

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Starting between 6 and 8 weeks of life, babies develop a "social smile" -- an intentional gesture of warmth meant just for you. This is an important milestone. Your pediatrician will ask you whether you've seen your baby's grin at her two-month well child visit.

This makes me smile too. Why wonder about what's making her laugh, rather join her. This way, you too shall get your dose of laughter. It is such a blessing to have a happy baby. If she has a sense of humour is something one can keep guessing. :)

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you have such a happy baby, so make sure you enjoy all the happiness she is sharing :) whatever the reason is that makes her laugh, try and join in the laughter and i am sure it will make her laugh even more :)

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Some babies just have a happy and bubbly disposition so they laugh a lot! Enjoy this blessing and laugh along and have fun with your baby

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