My 3 1/2 month olds milk quantity has dropped by 70/100 ml a day. Also he doesn't take big feeds like before now a days.. Is it normal?

Maybe you can check if your baby started teething. Your baby might be uncomfortable to drink more now, but still enough for the day. Yes please check if your baby's diaper is still wet, need to have lots of wet nappies to be sure he or she is having enough for the day. My boy started teething as early as 3 months, so it was havoc. Want to drink, at the same time don't want to drink. Feel your baby's gums might have potential teeth gonna cut through soon.
Read moreyes Hiren it is normal, because around this time your baby will be taking more amount of milk at one go and then have the next feed after a longer period of time. do check the diaper or the number of times your baby passes urine. if you think there is a marked reduction in the same, speak to the doc about it
Read moreYes, sometimes baby will have low appetite and take less milk on certain days. Try to monitor his or her diapers for urine and poop to ensure he is drinking enough. You will find certain days your baby will take in more milk due to growth sprut. Just like adults, sometimes we will eat more too.
Yes totally normal. Babies are often going through growth. So it could be due to many reasons or also no reason. As long as baby still has wet Diapers, active. I'd say it's okay. Baby could also be teething. It is normal for babies to drink more on some days and lesser on other days.
Yup normal. Shan would have feeds every two hours and now she's stretched to same amount every 4 hours. She also does stretch sleep at night. Last feed around 11.30 and then she stretches to about 5am.
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