Air masak?

Hi mums!!. Jannah here?. Just want to ask, why ya sya susah nak telan air masak during 2nd trimester?, after drink, perut betul rase x slesa?.have any opinion or any advises yang nak share x? Nway, yg funny thing is sya xtau pun sya pregnant 3 mnth 2 weeks for my 1st time pregnant?. All daily routine is seem like nothing happen pun, busy with work and xde alahan or muntah2,, until i got serius gastric last week, doctor informed to me. So ada x mums yg face that same situation mcm Jannah?,, pregnant n in the same time have serious gastric. What should i do ya?,,

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Super Mom

Wahh.. 3 months and 2 weekz bru sis tw si preggy? Woahhh

6y trước
