Best parenting advice
Hey mums and dads, what’s the best parenting advice someone ever gave you? Maybe it could help me and others as well.

Buy more neutral coloured items especially for first pregnancy. As you never know what gender your second one would be. I learned this myself too. Bought a tad too many pinks and girly-coloured stuffs for my firstborn that I’m left with no choice but to purchase or ask for hand-me-downs for more neutral and boy-coloured stuffs for my current pregnancy. 🥹
Read morewhen i had to take care of my newborn after my confinement lady left. she gave me this advice. Babies will cry for these 4 reasons 1. hungry 2. want to sleep 3. diaper change 4. tummy aches or colics. i followed this advice throughout the months to a year n it never failed me and i know what to expect when my baby cries.
Read moreDon't have overly high expectations on yourself. Sometimes we pressure ourselves too much to keep up with the cookie cutter life. Do your best. It's okay for days the house is messy, no mood to cook or not able to be give your 100%.
Don't have any expectations at all. People may many things based on their experience, but every baby is different. Babies are different in their on way, you just have to customize your parenting style for them.
every child is different & no one is perfect... just do the best we can
No money can buy the time for your children
Sleep when the baby sleeps ? Haha