Hi mums, anyone has been seen by dr benjamin tham at TMC, how was he?👨‍⚕️

Hi mums, anyone have been seen by dr benjamin tham at TMC, how is he? Is he good at assisting natural delivery? I have signed package with him, however, everytime when we consult him, it only takes 3-5mins, and all of our questions are answered briefly... worry about the delivery arrangement… Thanks a lot 🙏🙏🙏

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He’s a very nice and assuring dr. Also very patient in his explanations. He is pro natural and prefers small babies hence very particular about pregnancy weight gain. However just to highlight he isn’t a high risk specialist if are looking/need one due to previous losses etc.

Super Mom

Hi mama, I’ve known dr benjamin tham to be really supportive of natural births. But it’s important that you feel comfortable with him too. :)

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4y trước

Hi Jamielene, thanks for your reply, much appreciated 😄.

my client is under dr benjamin tham n he helped to deliver all 4 of her child spreading across 10 years

4y trước

welcome. he will only highlights things that he feels is important and will answer all your other enquiry accordingly.

My sister's doctor is dr benjamin than. she is very satisfied with him and his stitching skill

dr benjamin than is kind . very friendly. stitching skill good.

highly recommend dr benjamin tham as he is very pro-natural

dr benjamin than is kind and gentle. Very professional too

dr benjamin than is Very reassuring and cheerful gynae