Over Due

Mummys what will happen if i go beyond my due date? What will doctor likely advice?

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You will be scheduled for induce. But you will definitely meet your baby before week 42. That’s what happened to me! I gave birth week 41 + 3 days. :) wishing you a smooth delivery mummy!

Influencer của TAP

Some mummies specially those with first time delivery do go over their due date. Doctor will access the situation and decide whether to wait or schedule a delivery.

Most gynaes will advise you to induce, if not think the latest would be by week 41/42!

I’m week 40+1 today, still hoping baby come out soon!

6y trước

if everything is well actually can request gynae to wait until week 41 before deciding again

Super Mom

Gynae will schedule for induce.

Doctor will schedule for induce

Elective C sect or induce

Influencer của TAP

Schedule for induce.

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Induce right away.

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