22 Replies

VIP Member

First of all, you two have to go on separation. For the house, you have to make him give up the house so you can keep the house else u would have to sell it

hey babe. how to ask him give up the house. can u advice me. the thing now is i m only staying with my lo. every month utilies bill he used to pay. letter box key he keep. he doesnt give me. omg

VIP Member

You need to have face to face encounter to clear things up. Find a way to do so. But before that you should prep a list of things you need to do.

Dont waste time to file for separation. Just file for divorce straight away. This type of man better rot to hell. You deserve much better

just seek the divorce lawyer for advice. I believe they are able to justify and make your hubby agreed to come forward to settle it.

Super Mum

Do u want to try getting help and seek advise from marriage counselor or religious leader first?

I get what you mean dude. But you have to ask the question of will this conversation come up in future arguments even if the marriage is saved? Trust me if every argument she brings up he has cheated, sometimes it is better to be divorced then to be together. Sometimes you do more harm then good to be together

Both in the public service line, I think if they get caught they will be sacked?

VIP Member

Yikes. Divorce the guy. He has no concern for you or LO anymore.

VIP Member

Divorce.. No point staying married with such a man

I will divorce Send the papers to his office

Super Mum

Try to find all options to save the marriage first

No point saving this marriage

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