Any pregnant mummy recovered from Covid-19 without any complications?

Hi mummy, recently I have an argument with my hubby, coz mil got covid+ and still prepare dinner for the whole family, instead of isolate herself in the room until she is recovered. Hence, I refuse to eat the dinner due to worried I might get the virus from the food and lead to pregnancy complications or force micarriage to save my life. I have taken 2 doses of vaccine so far, pregnant W28. But I couldn't find any reports or sharing that pregnant mummy with 2 doses of vaccine get recovered from Covid-19 just like a normal person. This is bothering me so much. Whereby, my husband want me to believe, if I got covid-19 I will be fine just like a normal person without showing me any proven evidence or cases that will ease my mind. Any pregnant mummy got experience recovered from covid-19 just like a normal person? Sorry, I just need some advice. I don't know what to do. #1stimemom #firstbaby #worriedmama

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I had Covid at W16. Had 2 doses of vaccine and was due for a booster, which I had to postpone due to being positive. I got better on the 6th day with mild fever on the first night and coughing all throughout. I am still coughing 2 weeks later but it does gets better. I understand your worries; I would be too. My whole household had covid and I cooked for them even after my husband tested negative. We sanitise/ wash hands a lot, sanitise the house and surfaces 2 times a day and wear masks. Since I even cough throughout the night, I even slept with my mask. Not got going to lie, there are some days I get so worried about my baby but have to think positive.

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3y trước

Thank you so much for the sharing. At least I m now feeling less anxious. 😊