Hi mummy, My child turn 6 months today and I'm worried sleeping pattern.she's in infant care for a month and i realized that throughout the day she nap 3-4times for 15mins(total nap only 1hr in infant after i total up the mins) at night she sleep from 9-6.30am(9 1/2 hrs) I'm worried about her sleep pattern during day lack of sleep night I'm fine as she sleep Throughout. Please advice. Worried mum

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Oh. Same situation as mine. Baby in ifc for 1mth too. But slp at least abt 30mins each nap and he usually slps 2 times in ifc. I'm worried at first as baby seems to look tired when i pick him up.. But baby needs time to learn to adapt. So i will choose to close one eye as baby is able to slp from 9pm to 8.30am e nxt day for everyday.

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8y trước

No prob! Give urself some time too! Jiayou!

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Probably she is trying to adapt to the new routine and environment of the school. Give her some more time to adapt.

8y trước

I really hope so mummy cause i feel that she not getting 11-13 hrs of slp per day kelian

Give her time to adapt its a new routine and environment. Meanwhile monitor and relax.