Dont worry very normal to get fever for 3 days max after vax. Mine even would go until 38+/39. Just feed panadol and wear loose airy clothes. If 38/38.5, sponge them. For me fever parch dont work. I use bymommadee fever spray and balm. If temp too high also i will shower in lukewarm water. And yes sponge esp the back, armpit and inbetween leg
Fever after vaccine is (unfortunately) normal. Ensure baby has meds to keep fever down, if you can’t bathe baby often, have a spray bottle and spray often. It helps a lot too. Have fever patches on hand. Allow baby to have more fluids and rest wherever possible. Skin to skin also helps
Put fever patch or sponge her forehead using room temperature water. My PD told me not to use icy water. Let your baby sleep more too!
Sponge her forehead, armpit and groin area! It helps alot! Hope your bb feels better soon :-)
use small towel and tap water to sponge your baby frequently.
continue with paracetamol from clinic with fever patch