Dry Skin

Hi, any mummy's bao bei skin is condition same as my bao bei? My bao bei's face, neck and stomach skin is vy dry. What can I apply?

Dry Skin
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Hi mummy, yes but apart from the moisturizer I use (can’t share here due to Copyrights), try to bathe your bao bei with natural rolled oats too. Would like to have further chat with you. Do PM if u can?

Hi you can try Cetaphil? But my child not suitable even over there written for sensitive skin. I applied baby lotion for my child that cost me quite $80 small bottle just for dry skin.

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Its probably the soap you are using...it does not agree with your baby skin...try something for sensitive skin

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My baby has same issue. What I did was I use alobaby as moisturiser and after that apply ceraden.

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Try Cetaphil or ask the pharmacist or pediatrician for a prescription...

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any moisturizer shld be okie.

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Can try mustela STELATOPIA.

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How about using catephil

Hey, Try Cetaphil baby