
hi mummy, my baby is 7.9kg , huggies platinum M size is abit tight for her but L size is abit big so i bought huggies gold L size becos cutting smaller but she wear got diaper rash even i changed every 2-3hr so i change to drypers weewee dry L size , can fit but when she urine, the diaper will turn into a lump in front which i dun feel gd ... which brand shld i try nxt?🙄 what size?

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Yes huggies cutting is a bit small..i’ve switched to rascal n friends.. totally worth it! U cn stick to M size dear for rascal n friend

Super Mom

Pampers is the best I think (I use pants though) it's lightweight and thin and even when there's lots of urine it doesn't become huge.

try rascal n friends, my lo wears it overnight no rash even when no change for 6-7hrs. can also hold poo well

Hi , are u currently using tape diaper ? U may wanna change to pants ?

5y trước

i apply mustela diaper cream twice a day and thanks for yr suggestion ,the headache part is dun knw which size to get 😂

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