3 Replies

It is normal. My mom always tell me when they can't walk they want to keep trying to walk and refuse to sit or be carried. When they know how to talk they become lazy hahah . I think your little one may be overwhelmed by the outside environment and not used to wearing shoes yet. Have you let her wear shoes at home and try to walk in them? Try it and see if she walks with shoes. I don't think it is the shoes problem more like she is not used to the idea of wearing them to walk so give her some time to get used to her new walking skill and shoes. You can try gradually to let her walk outside . It is how like when my baby started crawling she only wanted to crawl on mattress, on playmat or in bed. Once she touched hard ground she froze. But gradually she started to be venture to the floor. So give your gal some time and encourage her on!

Maybe its the anxiety of being outside and having so many stimuli and people around her that your lo is seeking to be carried. Maybe you can try to accustom her to walking outside little by little. Try playgrounds first and then parks and then supermarkets or more crowded areas. And as for finding your hubs to carry her, perhaps your hubs has a way of carrying her that she feels more secured or more comfy. I would prefer this actually :-)

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