Is is true by giving my baby processed food like Cerelac will make my little one a fussy eater? My baby is only 9 mth

Hi mummies, I’m a first time mom here. I’ve been hearing a lot about not to give baby processed food like cerelac because it will make one become a fussy eater? I mean is it true? And is it proven? My baby is only 9 months! I mean preparing food for my baby is already so time consuming when my baby is a clingy child😩 Tia! #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp

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That's because processed or instant food taste are stronger. After eating, baby might not like the normal food that we prepare at home due to no taste or less tasty. Personally I tasted Cerelac. I find it too sweet. I fully understand the time consuming part. You can try to cook at times and offer cereal when you are really busy/tired. Cooking wise-just steam or boil everything together!

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