Baby getting fussy at breasts

Hi Mummies, First time mum here and looking for some help. My baby boy is in his 7th week now and from last two days he gets frustrated at breast sometimes during latching. He will latch for 6 to 10 mins and then suddenly he gets super frustrated at breasts and starts crying. If I try to latch him again he will be very angry and will cry again. I am unable to understand why this is. I know I have milk as I pump and supply is good. Then what could be the reason for baby to be getting fussy ? Is this growth spurt or something else ? I am worried that my baby is latching for less time and hence not drinking enough milk. #firstbaby #PleaseAdvice

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Is he full already? my baby could have a full feeding just from 6-10min, they can drink milk more efficiently now.

1y trước

1 side! baby @ 8 weeks now