White dots on baby’s bum

Hello mummies Anyone have any idea why is this happening? Rash or moist or allergic?

White dots on baby’s bum
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My boy had similar white spots on his bum a few weeks back. We suspect it was caused by wet diaper as we didn’t change his diaper throughout the night. We started changing diaper more regularly and apply barrier cream each time. After one or two days the spots disappeared.

5y trước

Yea should be due to wet diaper because this few days she started to sleep better at night that’s why I didn’t change diaper!! Will take note! Thank you

Yeast infection. My baby was just diagnosed with it too. You can get Zarin from watsons / guardian for application. PD gives the same cream. Apply until condition is better then continue 2 weeks from there. Hope this helps!

5y trước

Hi! Zarin first then barrier cream! Can apply more barrier cream especially if bb is scratching around their crotch as yeast spreads there too. Did you see a pd? Same diagnosis?

Super Mom

I have actually never seen white dots before. Is the skin peeling? Or are they raised lumps. It’s not a normal rash/allergy. May want to see a PD

5y trước

Ya I know right!! Thank you!

Thành viên VIP

Could be fungal. Best to consult PD asap before it turn worst.

Hi, It looks like fungal infection. Please consult your PD asap

Thành viên VIP

Best to bring your baby to the pediatrician

5y trước

she literally said she’s going. your comment is unnecessary n purely for points

Influencer của TAP

Looks like fungal infection

Consult PD