Successful induction?

Hi mummies. According to gynae, my cervix is still closed and baby is not engaged yet as of today. May I know: 1) Is there any mummy who had closed cervix but cervix got softened within a few days on its own? 2) Successfully got induced even when cervix is not softened and baby is not engaged yet?

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Super Mom

How far in are you? I had induced labour for both pregnancy. 12hrs and 14 hrs of labour respectively. However all pregnancy journey are different. Meanwhile try to go for walks and eat dates.

3y trước

Hi sorry to comment here. but how many dates shud we eat to make labour faster?

Thành viên VIP

I got induced for both pregnancies 1st one my labor was 7hrs while 2nd 3 & 1/2 hrs. Both pregnancies my cervix was still at 1cm at 40weeks. Even did membrane sweep but it doesnt work on me. 😆