6 Replies

My helper kept carrying my son also. Even when be isnt crying. I also have to repeatedly tell her not to carry him. (I saw it with my own eyes) Up to a point whereby I was so angry that I told her if I see her carrying him again when he did not cry, I will not let him touch/care my son ever. I hired the maid to help with the household chores. She got 0 experience with babies.

Which nationality may I ask?


How do you know helper is carrying your lo all the time? You have seen it yourself or heard it from someone else? As for the helper, you need to be firm with your instructions. If she is still not following, it’s your choice if you want to change tina new helper

Because I am still at home on maternity leave. So I have been observing. And when I go down shop awhile when he is sleeping she will quickly carry. I had to check cctv to find out he never cried but she carried. But I will continue to remind her till she gets it

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Seems like your helper loves your kid which is a good thing. But I agree that kids should not be carried all the time. Maybe you can remind her firmly not to do that?

Yup yup. I should. Maybe will keep reminding her until she learns.


Does she have a baby back home? Maybe she misses her baby? You can show her other ways of interacting and playing with your LO.

Her child is 6 years old already. But maybe she like kids...

Dear mum, Please tell her politely and keep doing this till it gets in her habit :)

Yup guess thats the only way

Maybe it's her habit..Just try to keep telling her nicely again and again.

Yup maybe I must repeat like a broken recorder then slowly she will get tired of hearing it.

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