hospital bag

for mummies who delivered @ kkh as subsidiary patient, what do you pack in your hospital bag?

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WHAT I really need was hp charger. One set of your comfort clothes for yourself when discharge. Baby clothes, Mitten, socks just one set for baby discharge to put on. Baby diaper, Pad and panties hospital provided. I was shocked that I need to look after my LO after give birth. I giving birth at 8pm after clean up I move to ward around 10.30pm. Nurse push to me at 11pm. 😅

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Super Mom

I packed everything listed on all possible lists i found, but i only really needed my phone charger, facial products, my clothes and baby's clothes for going home. They'll provide (well, it's charged anyway) disposable underwear, maternity pads and diapers.

6y trước

They encourage direct latching. Good to pack along though, my breast milk came late so the nurse did teach me how to hand express and use my manual pump

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