Mummies who are breastfeeding and have clingy babies, how do YOU handle separation anxiety? My husband wants a staycation with me but I cannot bear to leave my 7 year old and my baby who just turned 1. Moreover, I'm still nursing my baby. I can't bear to leave her in the hands of my parents or mum in law. I know it's unhealthy for my marriage. But I have never separated from my baby. She goes wherever I go. What do I do? I'm so confused!

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My husband and I went on a movie date instead. Movies don't last very long. 2-3h max? Or you guys could do a lunch/dinner/dessert date? A date that's short. Even a short 15-20 min stroll around the neighbourhood while my LO was being entertained by my in-laws was fun for us. Helped relived some of those couple moments. :) Can your 1yo manage without you for that amount of time?

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