Hi mummies! At which stage do you start feeling nauseous? Not for morning sickness but feeling nauseous even at any point of time in the day. Is that normal to be feeling at just Week 5?

Mine started week 6 ... 26 weeks still nauseous 🥺 diclectin helps to stop my vomit. 5 weeks still quite early to scan tho can’t see much
I started having nausea at week 5 to end of trim 1. Then it came back at week 26 😭 Currently week 28, gets worse at night.
I started feeling nauseous at week 5 and vomiting at week 6 all the way until I delivered my baby last month.
Yes mummy, nausea is very normal especially in the first trimester 😩 it'll go away in 2nd trimester
I have not! Will be going for my first doctor’s appointment today, will try asking for some from the doctor! Thank you mummy!
yes normal. mine started at week 5 and got better at week 21. take care!