7 Replies

Hi mummy, for my LO, they have been wearing long sleeve tee and pants (not so thick) from birth to 4th mths. Especially nowadays there might be raining and mosquitoes so it will be good to cover them. Of coz if the weather is v hot, I will let them wear shorts instead of pants. But most of the times, is long. When they are outside, it depends on where we are going and whether is indoor or outdoor. If outdoor, short sleeves. Indoor, I usually let them wear long sleeve and bring a blanket along in case, too cold.

During the first three months I recalled letting my gal wore long sleeve and loh pants quite often as it was year end period and constantly raining so it is very cold. If your baby is always in air con room and shopping mall better to dress them in long sleeve and pants. And pls let them wear socks. It is not good for their feet to be cold and in fact I think it is not good to let them be in air con environment the whole day

I feel that u have been over wearing ur LO. My little one from day 1 no Long pants Nor Long sleeves. I dun slp in aircon but even when I bring him out shopping since 1 mth, he has been in his onesie, no mittens, no booties, no swaddle. But I will bring a light swaddle with me just in case strong aircon during rainy day to act as blanket .... not many shopping Malls have very strong aircon these days

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I usually just let my baby wear onesies. I have Aircon as well, funny thing is even though air conditioned. My bub always pespires in Aircon. So I'll say always check their feet to feel if it's warm.

For onsies, most of my friends usually have a pair of pants or shorts over it when going out. At home, baby would just be in their onsies.

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