When to go polyclinic to ask referral to hospital for pregnancy?

Hi mummies, usually at how many weeks u go to poly to ask for referral to hospital for pregnancy? For my 1st child i went to poly when we are 10 weeks alongs as we test for the pregnancy kit quite late. With my 2nd child, i am under specialist clinic in KKH due to previous miscarriage so i can walk in straight in the clinic to see the gynae. But now with the coming 3rd one, im not sure when is best time to go? 1st and 2nd we went to kkh. This round we intend to go nuh.

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you can go polyclinic early but request for the first appointment to be scheduled during 6-8 weeks so they can do more accurate dating scan (instead of having to come back again for another scan). congrats and good luck! 😊

2y trước

i think light spotting during the early stage is not uncommon, unless it's heavy and colour is deep red. do let the polyclinic doctor knows! in this case maybe best to just take the earliest KKH appt available. take care!

yes you can go as early as you have positive result. poly will then refer you to hospital and you can choose to go during 6-8 weeks pregnant so baby is big enough and they are able to scan the baby.

Thành viên VIP

The earlier the better actually so doc can check if everything is ok.. likewise your folic acid intake. I booked an appointment as soon as I found out that I was positive.

Thành viên VIP

you can go after you got a positive test

Around week 6-8 after your last menses