Hi, any mummies tried this before for their LO? It's a health supplement and heard that it's rather good. Any feedback/reviews ? TIA

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Hi!yup i have given my gals tried when they were having slight flu or cough..but the most convenient is Millennium drink that boost their immunity.when my LO was 2 mths old,i have given her another call Nutriact as she was recovering frm her uti sad to say.And becos these are wholesome food and i rather give her these than those antibiotics.Its personal preference whether you want to build your LO immune system with drugs or food.I have been consuming their products since i'm pregnant with twins and its safe for all..you could pm me for more info😊

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8y trước

Hi!cld you email me at [email protected] and we could share more😄

Hi, I am sorry I haven't tried this supplement for my baby but I wonder why do you have to give supplement to your little one, unless your doctor has advised so! Why not rather give him nutritional diet and healthy food? There is no substitute for nutritious food, no matter what all the companies promoting their products claim. I would suggest, do not fall into this trap and do not start supplements for the little one, and if at all you think they are necessary, let his paediatrician make the call. Thanks.

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This looks like herbal life supplements. I would say, advisable not to. As it is not like other supplements sold outside in Pharmacies stated only for children.. this supplement didnt specifically state that is for for children's consumption. This packaging said: ' safe use in..... & children has not been established.' Please be wise as i have a cousin who let her LO take herbal life supplements n his health went upside down...

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never heard of this brand before

nope. where you bought it from?