Bottle washer + Dryer + Steriliser
Hi mummies! Do you think Baby Brezza Bottle Washer + Dryer + Steriliser is worth buying? Is there any other brands that are cheaper or better?

if you're pumping breast milk then having a dryer+ steriliser will be helpful. You can try going to baby fairs to see what are the available brands there for sale. If purely formula feeding just get any baby accessories safe liquid soap to wash the bottles will do and air dry
I ep so steriliser + dryer helped alot, even after I transit to fm now, still useful for me. I am using Haenim. Got it off Carousell at $100 3 years ago (just needed to change my own lamp).
i’ve just bought Grownsy brand, but yet to try! Can see the price from Amazon to compare. I rmb the price for Baby Brezza is much more exp on shopee than amazon.
only bought a small portable uv steriliser when travelling
only boiled & did not use steriliser